Originally Posted by KW60
We are new sailors and new to this community. Looking for advice on where would be a less crazy but still fun mooring for New Years in the BVI. All advice appreciated!
Uuuummmmmmmmmmmmm you want LESS crazy?
So in years to come people ask you and you said: yessssss, we didnt go THERE, we wanted LESS crazy?
Are you CRAZY?
The ONLY place in the whole world of the BIVs at New Years Eve is Foxys at Jost Van Dyke. The whole craziness of it is what makes the BVis wonderful.
anchor it is quiet. All the action is ashore, but not in a
New York kinda way, in a BVIs kinda way.
I thoughly recommend FOXs on New Year's Eve. It will be a year you remember.
What happens on Anagada on New Years Eve? Nothing. Everyone is at Foxys.