Hello, also me I have just bought a V42 (in Turkey) 3 weeks ago.
At the moment I am in an Italian (northern
Adriatic sea) shipyard for doing many works on the cat. I have planned to be ready for sailing at the end of July.
I am looking for manual user or any technical
sheets regarding V42, due to the fact that unfortunately the old owner give me nothing with the cat...
If you have owner manual or other tech infos / data of the V42, can you please help me by sending me some scans?
I am very happy with the V42 at the moment; I take it from south of
Turkey to northen of
Adriatic sea in a no-stop sailing trip of about 10 days and it performs well (but not speedy due to the disaster state of the bottom
hull, not clean at all).
I am anxious to see how it performs when it will be clean and with the 2 new folding props I have to install.
My V42 has the original sail plan that everybody says it is suitable for medium to big winds; I am design a
bowsprit ofr a code-0 I hope helps me to increase the ligh
wind performance.
Then I will buy a
Before I had a
Lipari 41 2014 (newer and probably as good as V42 for sailing performance) for 2 years. But I like
experiment new (old) cats. I have to say that the V42 seems to me much solid and built better. But I will be more sharp in the next months...