I've sailed small boats (cat 22), and am now trying to find the perfect live aboard (40-45) and work on getting my captains license. I hope to get some insight and advice from this group.
Ahoy & Gidday Freedom09 , my advise is to check out the photogalley for inspiration ,and read lots of posts,the gang @ CF are full of it (inspiration that is)
Welcome aboard!
Lots of info here. I've been surfing the posts now for almost a month and haven't come close to seeing 10% of this place!
Get ready to commit hours and hours and hours and hours....
40-45' is a dandy boat size.... Huge in my thoughts, but to each their own. Lots of stuff out there now due to the markets, best of luck with your search.
__________________ Faithful are the Wounds of a Friend, but the Kisses of the Enemy are Deceitful! ........
The measure of a man is how he navigates to a proper shore in the midst of a storm!