After receiving the official "permission to come on (this) board", I feel Like I'm at home already.
Hi;my name is Jaap G. Klasema, originally from The
Netherlands and a proud Frysian. I have sailed/worked/lived in
Canada (15 yrs.); N.Z. (10yrs.) and -currently-
Thailand (18 yrs.).
I am proud of the fact that (my dad forced me !) I have sailed solo since before my 5th birthday. This was in (then) an 'A-Jol', which is the pre-runner to today's Optimist. Big difference; the A-Jol was made of marine-ply and needed to be sanded-down & re-varnished/painted every
winter. I also did this (my dad forced me,again !) also, since I was 5 years old !
Sailed FJ; 16 m2, Tjotters (typical Frysian 'flat-bottoms with lee-boards) & Vauriens in
Holland; Cal-20 in
Canada & very fanatically, Lasers in NZ.
Here in
Thailand, it has been mostly Lasers (due to lack of time), but I am about to acquire a 'real' ship, since my recent run-in with a guy who sailed solo from the UK to Thailand in 9 months, really wet my appetite for the 'bigger-work'. I was fortunate to sail on his 37' Benneteau, right here in the Gulf-of-Thailand - and I simply got "hooked" like a
fish ! !
I'll post the story of this chap on this Board, once I figure-out where to stick it; very interesting story alright !
Anyway; great to be here and I'll be a regular visitor.
Incidentally; anyone putting into the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand; don't hesitate to contact me at any time for assistance.

Jaap G. Klasema