Hi all!
I'm a long time lurker here. I'm in my 30s and working in the
marine transport business (shoreside).
SUNY Maritime grad and sailed commercially a few years but stopped a decade ago. I have a 3rd mate's unlimited oceans in continuity (it is dormant...
) , wondering if I should resurrect it so I can get my 100 ton
captain. I know people sailing for years with NO certs, and others who say you need
ASA, 6 pack
captain, 100 ton captain, etc.
But being a greenhorn landlubber with papers means zilch. So I hope to find some crewing/deckhand opportunities!
I've lately volunteered at a local schooner school-boat and hopped on friends' sailboats and lived aboard an
Irwin 35.5 for a week, but looking for something more serious!
For now my dream is to start with a small
liveaboard, a beamy racer/cruiser like a
Pearson 28 or Caliber 28, but potentially a slow but steady IP27... and eventually do trans-Atlantic crossings.
I'm in the Philadelphia area but
Chesapeake Bay up to
NYC is ok for me to hang out with salty people and help out with
elbow grease and learn a thing or two!
- John