Hi to all! My name is Darren. My background--; 10+ years in the Canadian Airforce as an avionics tech, 10+ years owner operator of a large pizza store, and I currently run a unit within Wildfire management in Saskatchewan(we look after wireless communication and maintain a
network of 75
remote weather stations). None of it sounds very nautical I know. Growing up on the praries did not present many opportunities to sail, other than 3 summer seasons during my teens working as a
fishing guide in the north I have limited
boating experience. I have always dreamed of seeing the world by sail and being a very fasy learner and having a varied skill set makes me believe that I could be a valuable crew
member. My hope is to one day own my own
boat but I need to gain some experience first so.....here's hoping someone needs a partner in crime
Cheers D