Good for you! As presented above, pay no notice to those who look to deny. This is the place for you my friend, and many friends you will find here. Truly I say, in the world of
salt and sea you will find not just friends but
family. The sea and the passion of sailing her creates a bond indestructable by all those nay-sayers. Push onward and as a well quoted man once said:
" Happiness is a state of going somewhere, wholeheardtedly, without regret or reservation " was W.H. Sheldon.
I found that little bit of inspiration tacked to the bulkhead of a recently purchased
boat. I promise you my friend, with the passion of your pursuit, if you study, learn, practice, crew, experience and do, you will have that success that Thoreau say is "uncommon to men".
This is the best place to start. Cruiser's Forum is a treasure trove of invaluble experience and
advice. Participate, inquiry and share. You will absorb what you need to do what you dream.