Soller, my groom-to-be, and I are getting married in a couple of weeks on a four-masted schooner on Lake Michigan.
We were having a nice dinner the other night, planning our life as a married couple, talking about our long-term plans and goals. My ideal had been, and honestly still is, to find some
cheap but workable acreage on which to homestead. Soller's is to live on a
Soller grew up sailing on the
Great Lakes. I grew up as a southwestern desert nomad, surrounded by survivalist-bent Mormons. It's kind of a nice blend of backgrounds for an unconventional lifestyle.
A few years ago, Soller's dad built a tiny little '47 Chris Craft
outboard reproduction. He just gave her to us, along with a year of in and out
service, for our wedding gift. We love her and have spent as much time with her this summer as possible.
I have caught the bug. I love moving on the
water. Nothing feels like it.
It's hard for me to fully embrace a transient lifestyle, though. I grew up suddenly moving around so much that it made it really difficult for me to form and maintain friendships. Now, my friendships are extremely valuable to me. My ideal for life is to grow, raise and forage as many friendships as possible,and as much
food as possible. To waste as little as possible.
Also, we do not believe in credit, and are planning on living extremely frugally and saving aggresively for a few years to buy our home.
How do I integrate all of this into living on a