Originally Posted by Ron Amos
Hi there.
I live in New Zealand and I've resently bought a boat that's in Langkawi Malaysia which I intend to live on.
I can't get in because of covid...
I have family in Singapore so am considering getting the boat delivered to there? Any suggestions?
1. On access to your boat
You've applied to Malaysian authorities for permission to travel to Malaysia and permission to enter Malaysia?
Malaysian authorities were allowing foreign cruisers with
boats in Malaysia, but whom were overseas at the time international borders shut in 2020, permission to enter Malaysia. Malaysian authorities also, in 2020, allowed cruisers to make port in a couple of
marinas for
repairs and so on.
Since then, cruisers in Malaysia have had to make sure their immigration status was regularised. Many have either sailed out of Malaysia or left their
hull in Malaysia and flown themselves out.
Unless you have applied and been refused, I suggest you make application to the appropriate officials, showing proof of your
ownership and so on.
2. On
delivery to Singapore
You've been on board the boat and sailed her? Or did you buy it remotely and unseen?
If the latter, what proof do you have that it is operationally ready for a
delivery trip to Singapore?
You do have paperwork to show proof of
ownership, no? You have a berthing
contract with a marina in Langkawi? You have acquitted all debts incurred by the vessel in the marina?
Hull insurance, lah? Vessel
registration for an international voyage and arrival into Singapore?
You've considered the relative costs of keeping a boat in Langkawi versus Singapore? And the season: currently we're in late June, the SW monsoon, no? You've looked at windy.com or the equivalent at the winds in the Malacca Strait?
What's your
budget for the delivery? You've taken into account the costs of your delivery crew either: [1] making entry into Singapore and then returning to Malaysia; or [2] entering Malaysia from Singapore and then delivering from Malaysia to Singapore?