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Old 20-06-2010, 22:43   #1
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Military Family Trying it Out

Hey there I'm Dylan. My wife Evelien and I are a early 30s couple with a 3 year old son in the beginning stages of moving onto a boat. We currently have a 09 macgregor for sale, and when it sells, we will be buying our first liveaboard boat. We don't know too much about living aboard, but we also have aspirations to eventually circumnavigate, and be life long cruisers. First though, during my wifes military career we will be liveaboards and weekend cruisers. See ya out there!
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Old 21-06-2010, 01:02   #2
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A 26 footer? A little small but many of us are limited by budget. Depends also on the facilities you have available. Even showers can be a luxury until you learn about those black bag 'camp showers' that work well when you most need them (when it's warm and sunny) but check water temperature, they can scald!
Otherwise it's just the usual graft of shifting supplies to the boat. Water is incredibly heavy in domestic quantities but it'll teach you the cruisers first law. Water is THE most vital resource. Second only to a sense of humour. Lots of folks do it, living aboard, it's not that hard if you've got the right neighbours and keep them on your side. Enjoy.
Ex Prout 31 Sailor, Now it's a 22ft Jaguar called 'Arfur' here in sunny Southampton, UK.
A few places left in Quayside Marina and Kemps Marina.
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Old 21-06-2010, 01:21   #3
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Welcome to Cruisers Forum

Notes on a Circumnavigation.

Somalia Pirates and our Convoy
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Old 21-06-2010, 05:46   #4
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Hi there, and welcome! Living aboard is a great life, you and your family are going to love it. Eleven is right, find a good marina. Ours is great, and we have fantastic neighbors here. Everyone helps each other out, and our weekend potluck get togethers, awesome! Let us know how the liveaboard boat hunting goes, and welcome to the world of Liveaboard!! By the way, can anyone recommend a great Austrailan wine? We are doing the "Wine of the world" tasting at the potlucks, and are at the Australia list now.
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Old 21-06-2010, 08:23   #5
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G'Day Dylan and family,
We will never forget the first 21 footer we had. I can recall sitting on the trailor on the front lawn enjoying a cold beer, eyes closed, dreaming of the oceans we'd cover.
Actually pretty special moments.
Well done on fixing the dream. Good luck on making it all happen. Enjoy and sail safe.
Don't take life too seriously. No ones going to make it out alive......Go see our blog at
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Old 21-06-2010, 10:36   #6
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I agree that a 26 footer is too small to live on for a family of 3. thats why we have it up for sale. after about a year after buying our first boat, we decided that we just had to be on the water full time. when the MAC does sell, we intend on buying a 36-42 uniflite, or some similar boat to live on. that being said, if the MAC doesnt sell by the end of the summer, when we have to move to DC, from the Puget Sound where we now live, it will be our first live-aboard. ♠ With this move across the country, there will also come a move away from the dirt. If we do end up having to live on our current boat, it would be up for sale as soon as we get there, and the same plan of buying a motor boat would still be in effect. I would rather sell our boat now, because I can't imagine that its easy to sell a boat when you are living on it. for that reason I'm priced extremely aggressively and hope to sell very soon. you can see her on yachtworld, as I'm the only 09 for sale in the US. Oh and for Australian wine I'd go with a Yarra Valley Pinot Noir ♠
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Old 21-06-2010, 12:39   #7
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Dylan, Just for a background. I am retired AF and full time live-aboard cruiser. I raised two boys on board while home schooling. Currently, we are in Puerto Rico and heading for Grenada, then? who knows.
My recommendation is get out of the 26 ft boat. You and your will not be happy living in it. We tried it in a 30 ft boat and it just wasn't enough. Remember, even in a marina, you will want some little privacy. While still near the coast, go ahead and get yourselves a boat that you can be comfortable in. Dont forget, you will spend most of your time at anchor so look accordingly. (I know this will get some people up, but we are out doing it in a thirty + year old Morgan OI41. And we love it.) Our two sons are both in college now and we find the boat very comfortable.
We live (my wife and I) on my retirement income. We dont go to marinas, or out to resturants often. (E7) It can be done with a little creativity. Check your personal messages.
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Old 22-06-2010, 12:38   #8
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Aloha and welcome aboard!

I lived aboard in a military marina for a few years and there were a couple families with kids there who really loved it. Thanks for your support in the wife's service. Obviously by where you are posting she is Army. I retired Navy many years ago.

I'm not too familiar with powerboat amenities but you should find it much easier as a liveaboard than a sailboat because of the extra room. Now, if you can afford to pay for the fuel to actually get underway from time to time is the big question. I preferred sail and sailing but each to their own.

Good decision to liveaboard. Which marina to choose is the big question. Any military marinas close enough? The Navy has one in Oak Harbor and one in Everett but that's quite a distance. Army should be eligible for slips at either of those.

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