No problem mon....
2 stroke or
4 stroke? Model number? Problem?
Lots of small horse Tohatsu/Nissan/Merc (all the same) in this neck of the woods. 99% of issues (especially with the 4 strokers) are
fuel related. Carbs are dead simple with no air bleeds on the
4 stroke, but jets are tiny and the least bit of crud or
varnish ya got starting and idle problems. I run 2 filters on my 4hp
Nissan just for that reason. Throw away inside the cowl + Attwood inline glass filter in the tank line so I can see the
fuel. Good point to visually check for
water. Constant problem. Locals have all gone to using a
cheap water separator funnel when
buying fuel. Experience has shown that (here in Marathon) no matter where you go, fuel
dock or shore station selling Rec-90, a five gallon fill will yield several oz of water... Every time.
In my experience, it's all trial and error. Logical diagnosis, fix possible problem. Did it fix it? Nope, proceed to next possible cause... and so on.
Try not to change too many things at once. You can cause gremlins you didn't expect. Just a couple weeks ago, had typical problem with 4 horse. Ran ok at full choke with some throttle control but no top end and at less than full choke no run at all. FUEL! Start solving issue... Pull and clean carb... Change filters... Picked up an older nice transom mount tank I have been meaning to install, clean and dry so fill her up (with filtered gas) and put on spare (clean and dry) fuel hose and bulb. Started her up and runs like a watch... Problem
solved NOT Making a long run out to a friends
mooring and she runs out of gas ???
Pump up the bulb and go on. 1/2 mile later... runs out of gas. Got her home pumping the bulb all the way.
Fuel pump? Nope works just fine... Filters all new so not that. WTF?
Turns out fuel pickup tube in transom mount tank was old and brittle and had cracked at the fuel outlet connection. Trying to suck air instead of fuel. Replaced with $1.00 of new tubing and presto... Couple of hours scratching my
head over that one and then....
If it ain't broke, I'll fix it till it is.
Doesn't take much to foul things up.