Looking for advice Robertson & Caine 45 and 47 owners
My wife and I are looking at making the big move. Need advice on the purchase of a 3 yr old 47 or 5 yr old r&c cat. Going to leave it in charter for two years then move aboard for several more.
any and all advice would be appreciated. TIA!!
If you like comfort ... lots of space ... an upright/flat platform (women love that) ... maybe a little more speed ... better resale value ... GO FOR A CAT!
Aloha Patsan,
Welcome aboard!! Some folks like the extra hull and a huge boat. I guess that's why they make the monsters. My recommendation is no longer than 36, a monohull, fiberglass, cutter rigged, aft cockpit. I guess that's why they make those too.
Kind Regards,
How many people are going to live on the cat (including the visitors that will show up once you have it...)
I have a 2004 Leopard 47 and it works great for us. I also have me, my wife, and 3 kids from 18 months to 9 years on the boat. I looked at a Leopard 43 (or 44 - forget) but we have friends that come aboard all the time so we wanted the space.
I also do not live on the boat. We use it for weekend sails and up to about 2 weeks out at a time in the Gulf, Florida Keys, Bahamas and such so I am not as qulified to answer liveaboardability (if that is a word) as many others here that live aboard.
I have recently heard, on this site, that the 45 had some delimitation problems, but have not confirmed that with my friends who work at the Moorings yet. I have had zero problems with my boat other than regular maintenance (getting struck by lightning and losing electronics does not count).