Hello in advance to all those experiences people out there who, over the course of the next few decades, will bestow upon me their knowledge and wisdom and, with luck, save me a great deal of busted knuckles wasted
money and loud cursing.
I am in the Long Beach, CA area, and my significant other and I have just seriously decided to plan to "chuck it all" and be live aboards until such time as we can sail away into, well, it doesn't really matter.
She has a lot of sailing experience but 2+ decades ago, and I have next to none. We are currently in the "what do we need and want from a boat"
research stage and have been doing our
research for a solid year +. We have looked an mono's and cats, but cats are soo expensive to get what we want we kinda took them off the list.
Currently (and this has changed a few times now) the top of the list is the Bristol 43.3. She is a proved design that goes off shore very well (thanks to Mr. Hood) and the
center cockpit design gives the big quwwn berth. No climbing over each other getting in/out is a primary need.
So, if anyone in the long beach/San Pedro area needs a weak mind and strong back to help out on a weekend day sail, please consider me. I learn fast and bring good
Thank you all again,
Phil Clark
Future Cruiser and Liveaboard