If your boat is already on the water make sure the genset (if installed by the factory) is properly serviceable. We had plenty of problem with this and had to 'modify' the builders' job a bit.
Nice boat to attempt a circumnav - you will be able to access some places others will not!
Yes, we will be going for the Antarctic (skiing a little :-) as well as maybe Greenland on the way home. We will then have 4 capes in our log (Horn, Good Hope, Finisterre and Farewell) :-)
Read the blog and got a few smiles and chuckles with the crew intro. Laughing at the start is a good thing. The vessel looks quite nice. We'll be looking for you at the dock after the ARC.
Capt. Douglas Abbott
USCG/MCA IV/M.I./C.I. 500-ton Oceans