Hi i acquired a 26ft sailboat a year plus ago. So far have managed to bail gallons of rain water and pay moorage. Looking at trading in on a gutted cruise a home...
Ahoy Pete.
On my boat it was the cockpit drain hose that was cracked, filling the boat like a draining a bathtub when it rained. That being fixed changed it from gallons to ounces. Now I am down to re-bedding deckhardware and making sure hatches are closed properly.
Location: La Ciudad de la Misión Didacus de Alcalá en Alta California, Virreinato de Nueva España
Boat: Cal 20
Posts: 21,616
Re: Idiot landlubber with boat
If you were near San Diego I could offer some in person help and advice.
I would suggest updating your profile with your general location and your boat make & model or “Looking” in the "Boat" category. This info shows up under your UserName in every post in the web view. Many questions are boat and/or location dependent and having these tidbits under your UserName saves answering those questions repeatedly. If you need help setting up your profile then click on this link: https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums...ml#post3308797
I would happily help more if the link above is not enough.
Num Me Vexo?
For all of your celestial navigation questions: https://navlist.net/
A house is but a boat so poorly built and so firmly run aground no one would think to try and refloat it.