If you're gonna be in Fort Lauderdale between February 14 thru 18 you get the BEST price at the
BOAT SHOW, better than "on-line"...and they'll negotiate even their already low prices.
Last year I picked up my
RAYMARINE E80 at the show....BEST price anywhere, even on the internet.
If you're NOT able to be there during those dates, call CONSUMER MARINE
ELECTRONICS during the show (at the show) and get their price, they'll ship anywhere.
I plan to get my
I have no idea what the prices will be at the show but I can just about guarantee they'll be CHEAP!....... and yes, they are an authorized dealer for tons of stuff, very easy people to deal with!
I was in line at their counter for about 30 minutes waiting my turn there were so many people..........
Then I'm going to the LATS & ATT'S party with "Bob Bitchin"!
Good Luck!
S/V High Cotton
"Had I known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself !!!
AUTHOR: My dear ole MOM