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Old 23-04-2009, 17:43   #1
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Hi, from San Francisco

I'm a 36 year old divorced mother of two kids 14 and 9 and I have a 25 foot Coronado I bought two years ago. It is a great dry little peach of a boat. I keep her in Half Moon Bay in a slip at Pillar Point Harbor.
Hoping to single hand a little ways down to Mexico while the children are away for a month this summer. I love the area around Puerto Vallarta. However, I realized just one month most likely will not be enough time to get all the way there and fly home for a bit.
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Old 23-04-2009, 18:44   #2
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Originally Posted by Jennymar View Post
I'm a 36 year old divorced mother of two kids 14 and 9 and I have a 25 foot Coronado I bought two years ago. It is a great dry little peach of a boat. I keep her in Half Moon Bay in a slip at Pillar Point Harbor.
Hoping to single hand a little ways down to Mexico while the children are away for a month this summer. I love the area around Puerto Vallarta. However, I realized just one month most likely will not be enough time to get all the way there and fly home for a bit.
Welcome to the Forum, Jennymar. Glad you're here.

I think you're right - you'll need more time to sail a 25' vessel from Half Moon Bay to PV. It sounds like you're planning to actually relocate the vessel to Mexico and base her there. Do I have that right?

Here's an idea: Move the vessel from HMB to San Diego in the month you will have available while the kids are with their dad (guessing ), and leave her there when you fly home. Sign up for the next Baja Ha-Ha with Latitude 38 (~Halloween each year), take the kids out of school for the week, or so, of the Ha-Ha, all fly down to San Diego and sail the Ha-Ha in the company of lots of good folks. Fly the kids home from Cabo to return to school (can dad take care of them for a little while?), and sail your vessel the rest of the way to PV. Lots of other Ha-Ha folks will be continuing on down to PV and Banderas Bay after the Ha-Ha - why not join them?

Once your vessel is safely berthed in PV (again, assuming that's the plan), fly home to join the kids, confident that your vessel is safe and sound down in Mexico. You might even "home-school" them for the few weeks of the trip from San Diego to PV if they have an interest in an extended cruise with mom.

Just a thought, Jennymar. Again, welcome to Cruisers Forum.


PS: Here's a link to the Ha-Ha:
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Old 24-04-2009, 07:38   #3
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Now you have gone, and made me homesick. I use to live at the top of the ridge in Granada. I would look down on the harbor, and dream about sailing.

Tao is giving a great suggestion. That is pretty much what I did for the HA HA in 93. I also left the boat in P.V., and would fly in, and out to sail. P.V. was, and hopefully still is a great place. Once in P.V. look for Ernesto's restaraunt up on the hill above the area where the buses park....great food, and great view if it still exist......i2f
SAILING is not always a slick magazine cover!
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Old 24-04-2009, 08:55   #4
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Hi Jenny:

Welcome Aboard.

I spent many a fun night in Half Moon Bay. It is a lovely spot. As said above PV would be a difficult trip in that time frame. I would look at some of the closer cruising gronds such as the Delta, the Channel Islands, and or San Diego. I am just recently retured from a cruise that started in San Diego and went up to Santa Barbara and back to San Diego. We did this cruise in three weeks and it was a little bit hurried. Our boat cruises at 6.5 knots. Here is a link to a real good book about cruising Califronia coast The Cruising Guide to Central and Southern California: Golden Gate to Ensenada, Mexico, Including the Offshore Islands: Brian M. Fagan: Books

Another option may be to find a trailer for the boat. From there you could take the boat and launch it at the top of the Sea of Cortez and then sail down wind to La Paz.

I would be hesitant about dong the Baja Ha Ha on a Coronado 25 i might be a little slow to keep pace with the Baja Ha Ha fleet. They also have a minimum size requirement which I tink is 24 feet. I believe that the Coronado 25 has an outboard motor. You'd be hard pressed to carry enough fuel. I'm not saying it can't be done -- I just feel it would be more of an adventure in survival as opposed to an enjoyable cruise. Good luck with your trip and let us know what you decide.
Fair Winds,


Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each other's yarns -- and even convictions. Heart of Darkness
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Old 25-04-2009, 13:08   #5
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Aloha and Welcome aboard!
Good to have you here on the forum and it appears that you've already gotten some opinions on what to do.
Good luck in your adventure.
Kind regards,
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Old 21-06-2009, 05:10   #6

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Originally Posted by Jennymar View Post
I.....I have a 25 foot Coronado I bought two years ago. It is a great dry little peach of a boat. I keep her in Half Moon Bay in a slip at Pillar Point Harbor..
Greetings from your old home town of Melbourne, FL

I think it's terrific you bought yourself a boat. I think eventually your kids will grow into fine sailors. As they grow a bit older they appreciate sailing more and more. It won't be long before they'll be asking for "the keys" to your pride and joy. Enjoy it now while you still can.
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Old 21-06-2009, 18:59   #7
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Welcome and good luck on your adventures
Looks like you are getting good advice, these guys are great here, very helpful.
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