Hi there,
We are a young couple from the gold coast
Australia with two little boys 3 & 1 and are just going through the process of
buying our first
boat, a Roberts 27.
We are over the moon! Just hoping the
survey & sea trial come back all good & then she's ours
we are fairly green, my husband has very little experience and you wouldn't believe it but I have been so fortunate to have sailed from
Malaysia to
Thailand and back and then from Trinidad to
Fiji during dads circum
navigation plus lots of trips up and down the
east coast of oz on my dads cat 'Kularoo'.
The problem is I was young and dad didn't have the patience to teach me much about sailing.
I'm hoping I have retained some knowledge of my experience and hoping I picked up more than just being a passenger!
The plan is to start out slow, get
boat license, have a few
sailing lessons and do small weekend trips for a while then eventually (long term goal) buy a bigger boat and
cruise the world.
I want my boys to have this life, I know how good it is and thank goodness my man agrees!
I'm looking forward to reading and gaining knowledge from all you seasoned pro's out there, and hopefully meet others with
kids for insight & inspiration.
Hope this post isn't too long!
Thanks, Karla
*Attitude: the difference between ordeal and adventure. *