Hello Marie-Helene,
Let's give your request a bit of context. First, most
boats sailing through
French Polynesia will be taking a
route via the
Marquesas and the very northern Tuamotus, so none of them will be able to consider your request. An alternative
route, followed by
boats departing along South America's
west coast, is via Easter and Pitcairn, and those boats will usually arrive in the Gambiers and then perhaps visiting some of the Tuamotus enroute
Tahiti and points west. There are also a very small number of yachts each year that are trying to
work their way northward from NZ and call in at the Australs before heading further north, so they would be another potential audience for you.
To reach these yacht crews, I think you should concentrate on a 'specialist' mailing list where you will find most of the boats doing Pacific crossings this coming season. The best one I know of is the Pacific Puddle Jumper group hosted by yahoo.com. Select 'Groups', search for this group and then register, after which you'll be able to post your request via a message to all members (about 500 or so, but only a portion will be making that run in 2010). A total guess on my part...but based on getting emails from boats doing the Easter-Gambier run in 2009, I would estimate perhaps 30-40 boats
total which will have an itinerary that would - possibly (see below) - fit your target islands and time table.
Finally, you need to use
Google Earth and examine what kind of pass exists for each of the islands you are hoping to visit. If any of your islands don't offer a 'good' (deep enough, wide enough) pass to
permit safe entry by a yacht, then you are asking the crew to
anchor off the leeward edge of atoll, depending on steady Tradewinds alone to keep themselves off the atoll. Normally, doing this is an unpopular option altho' some boats are comfortable with this if the
weather conditions are
forecast to be stable and they can leave crew aboard, ready to sail the
boat offshore if the local
weather changes (which it does). You will find that some of the Tuamotu atolls have pictures posted on
Google Earth, and some of these are posted by yachts. This can be one indication - along with seeing the island's overhead picture - that an acceptable pass exists.
Good luck to you. It sounds like an interesting
project...but one that the yachting community may not easily help you achieve.