Thanks again everyone. Well, the deed is done. Yesterday the truck arrived with my new lovely, and a small Franner crane lifted her into her new home. She's just propped up on four
boat stands at present, but I reckon I'll grab a few more just for peace of mind. This afternoon I started extracting the filthy, oily, stinking, sludgy
bilge water out of her, that's been sloshing all through her during the transport (I thought the marina was going to do it - communication breakdown I guess). It was almost half way up to the bunks. What a mess. Pumped about 50 liters into containers so far, and it looks like at least that much again to go. Gonna need some bigger containers, and lots of 'em.
Anyone got some good suggestions on the best way to clean the sludgy mess up once I've finally got all the liquid out?
I'll post some photos later when I get a chance.