Welcome aboard DaDoctor,
A lot of the guys before me have give you great tips, especially @Steady Hand, the extra impeller will go along way. As a
rule of thumb, I would suggest you always carry one.
I would stress that you become accustomed to where everything is on board, before leaving port. I always say a
new boat, is like driving a stick shift car, because each manual
gearbox is always different. It's a weird analogy, I know

, but it works wonders when you feel certain that you know where everything is, and how it well they
work, aboard.
Also, get used to the
rigging, check them, halyards,
sheets, etc. I would recommend that you play with your
sails, in the marina, prior to leaving. Bring them down, if
weather allows, then host them back up, open the
sails, check the luff, clew and tack, if possible. These sort of things will go a long way and maybe force of habit will help to stick with some of them.
Most importantly, enjoy the trip and have fun, that's always a rule!!