Originally Posted by c42sail
I have joined this community to find out about BVI multihull cursing.
One should always remember that the first letter in BVI stands for "Brit." What this means is that the preferred epithet in the BVI is "bloody," as in, "Hand me the bloody spanner, you bloody..."
You may be surprised to discover that multihull cursing in the BVI is not far different from
monohull cursing. The singular difference is that a BVI
monohull skipper, about to crash, will usually say, "Oh bloody hell!" while a BVI multihull
skipper will only manage to get out, "Oh blooo...." This is because multihulls are faster, and therefore tend to crash before the cursing is fully developed. BVI multihull sailors have been known to be quite sensitive about this inherent problem in their boats' design.
Interestingly, BVI cursing is divergent from USVI cursing, where the usual pre-crash expletive sounds something like, "Oh shi+++!" This is a marked contrast from, say, cursing in
French Polynesia, where the preferred pre-crash exclamation would be more along the lines of "Sacrebleu!" which is roughly the equivalent of the Americanism "dognabit."
Welcome to the bloody forum, dognabit!