I noticed that I've made 16 posts here, but never introduced myself....
I don't have the impressive
history of most here, but I did build my first sailboat in a high
school shop class and sailed it happily for several summers on a small lake on the
Oregon coast. After that, I sailed Laser IIs for a semester in college, and my father built a cold-molded Moth and Shellback Digny that I got to sail.
After many years of not sailing (19?), I bought some sailing
books at a used book
sale about a year ago (Maiden Voyage was one of them), and got interested again. Since then, my wife I have picked up our first two
ASA certifications, joined a local sailing club, and bought and restored a
Cal 20 with my brother. We sail weekly, often with our two
kids (6 and 8 years old). Pics of our various exploits are at
(note links at top of page to other sections)
At the moment, we're considering owning a larger
boat of our own (28-30 feet) or with another
family. Alternatively, we might just
charter for awhile in
Puget Sound. We look forward to getting our
bareboat certifications in May, and hopefully our advanced cruising and costal
navigation certifications at some point after that.
Thanks for the great board-- I've really enjoyed reading the threads here.
Jim H