I think C32 are pretty awesome sailing
boats, not just that they survived so many years in production and use and abuse and delivered more than one example of being safe and well behaved
Just think of it, someone 'takes an old wooden folkboat' and extends it modifying the underbody and thus taking the already good sailing properties to another level. And you can still get one today either old one for
restoration or a brand new from the shop, and sail it to the end of the world. And she will sail fast and efficiently without making her crew tired or bored. This is a package. Efficiency, seaworthiness, simplicity and grace.
Not too many options around that would match
history, quality, seaworthines and availability to an average sailor like this.
Our friends here have one and we met another somewhere in
New Caledonia. That one was 'raised from dead' - she was at the bottom of a Norwegian harbour and picked up / fixed / sailed by a Norwegian couple - half a world away!
Every time I pass one, I stop and look. A Harley Davidson
You have a great boat and now a great, if not quite 365, ;-) summer. Enjoy!
Life is good.