Hello to all, we have just registed today and would like to say hello. We are Gary and Sue (Im Gary) and our boat is a Nordhavn 40 called First Forty. We are cruising the east coast and currently heading east on Long Island sound for Block Island. This is our second summer of cruising the boat. We are working our way to Maine and will bring the boat back south in the fall. Home is Arizona, but we plan on being on the boat for most of the next year. Hello!
We have friends on the Hudson now from here in VA aboard their Nordhavn 35 Coastal Pilot (Abacus). Nice boats for sure! Hope you can find all sorts of usefull information here. We have a smaller number of powerboats than sail boats but we all share most of the same ideas and problems.
Paul Blais
s/v Bright Eyes Gozzard 36
37 15.7 N 76 28.9 W
We are LOVING the boat, the lifestyle, the freedom, etc while recognizing there is still much to learn, see and do (we need MORE time!).
Had a day made for our boat yesterday from Barnegat Light, NJ to NYC (AWS 9 - 15, off the quarter with 2 - 4' waves to surf down). Hit 15.6 kts surfing down one wave that was probably 6'.