I grew up sailing Dad's
boats (Cape Dory 25,
Ericson 27, and
Morgan 384) on
Long Island Sound and the Eastern Seaboard from VA to ME. Now I am the Dad and want my two daughters to love the
water as much as I.
A few years back they became able swimmers, so I felt I could by a
boat and came home with an O'Day 17, little suspecting they would not like it

. I've begun to win the 9-year old over, still working on the 12-year old. She finds the O'Day too tippy.
So, we're in the process of
purchasing a Southern Cross 31

hull #11 "Red Sky." THIS should be a little less tippy and it's a whole lot easier to go for a
cruise. We're members of the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club on the
Hudson, but am 1 hour 15 minutes by car from Norwalk, CT on
Long Island Sound. Plenty of choices to gunk hole.