Hello mates! I've been watching this forum and It's Super interesting! My name is Aleix Gaintza and I live in
Barcelona, aboard my
Nantucket Clipper MkIII, along with my wife, my dog and my cat. I am a merchant seaman and I
work in a
sailing school, teaching astronomy and practical lessons of sailing. We are owners from two years ago, and we took all this time preparing the
boat for long cruises. Although it is 32 feet, it is a very well built
boat and gives us great confidence. It is rigged in Yawl /
Cutter. During all this time we have been adding some important
equipment to the ship,
solar panels,
wind turbine,
water treatment plant, new
sails, new
engine, a reinforced
rigging, etc. Our plan is to follow our dreams of Sailing a
round the world. We plan to set sail sometime this summer from
Barcelona to the Canary Islands. It will be very interesting finding in this forum people who know routes that we have never sailed, interesting places, people, experiences ... Thanks to all!
We've a website: Abordodelinfinito.com (in spanish)
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