Welcome aboard,
I started
crewing at 19, lots of Atlantic miles. Try the
crew wanted section in this forum, then post a
crew available in the crew available forum :-).
Good luck, thank you for your study and
work in the reef preservation! We just found a dead reef from BP spill, I'm sure more to come so I really appreciate the people who are will to study and give these incredible ecosystems a voice.
Some pointers
Interview the
captain and crew,
family boats tend to be the safest (stable) vessels. If you have a bad feeling about the vessel,
captain, or crew, don't go, a little bad feeling onshore usually means a disastrous trip
Good luck, happy adventures, your gonna love offshore! The
water is a shade of blue never seen, the motion, incredible. The smell fresh and clean. And you will hopefully have lots of visitors ( birds,
fish, squid,
dolphins, whales).