G'Day Nookie,
OK, here's the first hint: there have been numerous previous queries very similar to yours, and the subject has been discussed at length. This forum has a search feature that you can access from the upper tool bar. Use the "custom
google search" with a subject like "what kind of boat learn on" or other such. You will find LOTS of ideas expressed.
What I always recommend for folks like you is to buy a much used day-sailor
dinghy and learn to sail it on local waters. In your case, most likely a small lake. When I was at your stage, I bought a very second hand O'Day Osprey, a 15 foot
centerboard sloop, and it was perfect for the job. Small enough to easily
single hand, big enough for me, my wife and two small
kids. Very forgiving of the many
mistakes that a
novice will make. There are heaps of such designs around, can usually be bought for well under a kilobuck, complete with
trailer, and which are so far down their depreciation curve that you should not loose
money when you sell her... if you don't do something destructive, that is!
Such a boat will be a great
learning platform, and can be a hell of a lot of fun to boot. If there are no clubs around where you can meet other sailors and get some instruction, a basic book and some perseverance will see you through... worked for me!
By the time you have done this for a season or two, you will have a far better idea about what you want in the next step up. Meanwhile, when you have specific questions, we're here to help.
Enjoy, WARNING: sailing is acutely addictive, and you will never recover your senses.