I signed up for my account here a long time ago and have been reading posts for a while, but haven't introduced myself yet.
I'm planning on
buying my first
boat this year and will be slowly getting it ready for a multi year ramble. I'm sure you've all heard this story a million times, so I won't bore you all with my pie in the sky ideas of circumnavigating and making a million dollars on youtube.
At the moment I'm living in Phoenix AZ, but I
work remotely and I have very flexible hours so I can be where ever when ever. Very easy for me to get to Los Angeles,
San Diego, and Puerto Penasco. I make it out to the Bay Area pretty regularly as well. If you're in any of those areas and have room on your
boat for an inexperienced sailor who's best sailing skill is getting yelled at without taking it personally, then please let me know.
I'm also as interested in boat
repair and
maintenance as I am in sailing, and I would love to help out if anyone has any
restoration projects in the works. I'm pretty good with
fiberglass, and with out tooting my own horn too much, I can say that I have a knack for quality when it comes to things like
wood work or painting. If you've got a
project you're working on, or you've got a
project you're willing to trust me with, I'm happy to work for free. (fair warning, I'll probably bring cameras and you may end up on youtube)
Looking forward to chatting and or sailing with all of you lovely folks.