Just another new person on the board. I am new to sailing, but not to the
water. Just started taking lessons to learn about sail powered craft. Spent time on the seas whilst in the
Navy and have lived on the coast for most of my life.
Always dreamed of
living aboard a
boat, but until recently that dream was one that had to be "on hold". Things have opened up and now it is possible, so am actively working towards that life.
Right now, my personal
boat is a 13' 3" Aquaterra
kayak. It gets me out on the
water and is used for cruising,
fishing, surfing and just lazing out. Often spend time in the harbors paddling and talking with local boaters. Yet to meet anyone that is not helpful and patient with me. What a great community!
Been lurking here for a while and thank you all for providing such a great source of wisdom for the newbies like me.