well hello, found this site just looking at
marinas for
bermuda. being nosey really as i'm coming there to help move a yacht to
antigua. thank you to tao for a greeting straight away. plenty going on on here isn't there. might go and be nosey about
antigua now although won't be there long. been to
bermuda before, crewed on a tall ship across atlantic, lovely place and a nice 25 degrees atmo. i'm in uk and it's wet .
i have a 14 yo old son wanting to do
work experience from
school in april and am asking if any engineers or skippers/owners would be willing to
let him get some time working on a yacht. he's wanting to make
marine a career and i'd like to encourage gently. we were in corfu in aug, sailing and he came into his own on the trip and got chatting to a
advice was to go and do engineering aswell as thats what owners are now looking for. any leads?
europe would be better and
safety is a concern but he's a sensible lad. my e mail is andrewmhill :at: tiscali :dot: co :dot: uk
nice to chat