I'm an old guy in
Australia. I bought a 55 year 33' fibreglass
boat late last year that I've been working on since then. I've stripped the bottom and the topsides for antifouling and painting and will hopefully be in the
water by June.
It's hard
work and I've really taken on more than I should have. I'm not much of a sailor and to be honest the sea frightens the crap out me, so I'm unlikely to venture more than a few miles
offshore, as I invariably sail alone. I'm not all that crazy about running aground either. I had a 25' previously which was dead simple compared to this. After I
sold that
boat, I said to myself never again, but ended up
buying this boat so I'd have somewhere to live in
Sydney as rents are a killer here.
I'm looking forward to tapping the collective expertise on this forum.