Ok, i love pictures to!! Ill but some out on my profile side.
Sailing to stockholm is a super smooth experience starting from mai to august. Many people sail thro the
Keel canal and then opp thro østersøen. ca 450 Nm. Then sail back the same
route back and travel the vest Coast of sweden. There is
lost of nice
marinas both in sweden and
denmark. go by Copenhagen (fantastic place) then maybe to Anholt (litlle island between sweden and denmark) Then its just crusing opp the swedish coast intil you enter Norway. Depending on your amount of time you can travel down the
east coast of Norway an continue intil you reach murmansk i
russia. he he.
List of great places on the way
Starting from stocholm and south
- Gotland (island south of sweden)
-Skagen (festival early july) The place to exp dansih culture!!!beers and beers
-Dont go to gotenborg, try marstrand instead, its just outside gotenborg.
-Smøgen (super nice place whit lots og
fishing exp and tradition)
- Koster (Island close to the norwegian border)
Hvaler (
Sommerbilder - www.hvaler.no) my home islands, check out the pictures!!
Will be continiud.
p.s My
English is rubbish, sorry!!!