01-08-2017, 10:37
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Greetings to all :) An honest request-
I assume this is a long shot, but nothing is ever accomplished without taking that step. I'll keep this brief as possible. My wife and I are 5 years away from realizing our dream of living aboard and sailing. After reading hundreds of posts on this site, I feel the majority of the members here are sincere and engaging people; the sort that just might respond to my request, or at least provide some practical advice. I will be spending the week of 8/7/17 to 8/11/17 on Cape Cod, MA. (mid-cape). We would absolutely love to see a sailboat in the 38 to 40 ft range. To get aboard, to get a feel of the space - that's all. I visited a boat broker last year in Mass and that was unpleasant to say the least. The broker was rude and condescending, he wouldn't show us a single sailboat, much less let us on one. it left a bad taste in our mouth, but not enough to deter me. I more than want to get on a boat, I have to!
Is there anyone out there that can offer some advice, or assist me with my request? By the way, I currently live 600 miles from the shore, so this will be my week to get it done. I'm not asking for a sail on the water, just to have a good look aboard. Can anyone help?
Most sincerely,
01-08-2017, 10:52
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Hi Methinks and welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with the broker. In my experience (and I used to be a broker) that was uncharacteristic. Of course like any group of people there are jerks, dingbats and a few outright crooks (maybe even a few more that an average group of sailors). I would try another broker as well as asking private owners. Call a few on the phone until you get one that seems receptive.
Another option, attend a boat show. You would be able to board a lot of boats and see how a lot of different manufacturers work.
I am currently in the Cape area but unfortunately my boat is in Florida, otherwise you would be welcome to a tour.
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01-08-2017, 11:31
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Certainly no reason for a broker to be unpleasant but he/she is not a boat show.
They earn their living when they sell something. You may or may not buy something in five years. Even if you do what are the odds that this broker would be involved? I know, I know, zero now.
Maybe he/she simply had something more productive to do? Or maybe didn't want to miss another opportunity while with you? Brokers have "up" days. Again, no reason to be unpleasant about it if that is what happened.
Have you considered a half day charter while at the Cape? You would get to see a boat and actually be onboard sailing. You might hate it?
Or, why not make the effort to go to a boat show? Annapolis would be an excellent choice and they have brokerage boats there now.
01-08-2017, 11:37
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Originally Posted by Methinks
I assume this is a long shot, but nothing is ever accomplished without taking that step. I'll keep this brief as possible. My wife and I are 5 years away from realizing our dream of living aboard and sailing. After reading hundreds of posts on this site, I feel the majority of the members here are sincere and engaging people; the sort that just might respond to my request, or at least provide some practical advice. I will be spending the week of 8/7/17 to 8/11/17 on Cape Cod, MA. (mid-cape). We would absolutely love to see a sailboat in the 38 to 40 ft range. To get aboard, to get a feel of the space - that's all. I visited a boat broker last year in Mass and that was unpleasant to say the least. The broker was rude and condescending, he wouldn't show us a single sailboat, much less let us on one. it left a bad taste in our mouth, but not enough to deter me. I more than want to get on a boat, I have to!
Is there anyone out there that can offer some advice, or assist me with my request? By the way, I currently live 600 miles from the shore, so this will be my week to get it done. I'm not asking for a sail on the water, just to have a good look aboard. Can anyone help?
Most sincerely,
Go to a show sometime and you'll be able to board lots of boats if you desire. It's well worth a trip.
01-08-2017, 11:39
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
I cannot provide you specific info on boat brokers, but I can speak with experience about sales people. What you are asking is for a person whose income depends on making a sale to spend considerable time with you showing boats that you have no intention of purchasing. To put it another way, please work for free for me because I have a dream. If you wanted to see my boat I'd take you out for sail and bring beer. Waste my time at work and you wont think that I am a pleasant person either.
I may suggest either offer to pay for a brokers time and expenses, or perhaps go to a marina and see if you see someone on their boat that may be willing to show you around. Of course someone on this forum will likely also offer because.....most people here are truly helpful and generous with their time. Awesome community.
01-08-2017, 11:55
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Not sure where you live, and therefore how convenient they would be, but my recommendation would be for the boat show option.
01-08-2017, 13:16
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Regarding the comments about imposing on a broker to browse a boat, I was a broker and that's just part of the business. Buying a sailboat for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars is not exactly an impulse buy. I had clients that I dealt with and showed boats for several years before they finally bought.
On the other hand, I had one guy that came by about the same time every year to look at boats but would look at big boats, small boats, power, sail, whatever. After a couple of years of that I decided it was time to pin him down and he confessed he was not interested in buying a boat, just liked to look at them every year when he came to FL for a vacation.
Bottom line, if you really intend to buy a boat, even if it's a few years in the future, then it's not imposing on a broker to ask to see a boat or two. However, if you find one that works for you and puts some time and energy into helping then remember him/her when it comes time to buy.
The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
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02-08-2017, 06:37
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Greetings and welcome aboard the CF, Mark.
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
02-08-2017, 06:46
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Besides the boat show which is ideal to see the details and ask tons of questions, why not wander around the marina and candidly ask by showing interest and asking why the owner chose that specific boat, pros and cons etc. That will be a wealth of inside info if I may say so
02-08-2017, 07:20
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
Thank you kindly for the input. I have also considered wandering around a few marinas, and I guess that's what I'll do. I wasn't sure if it is something that is allowed, recognizing that some live-aboard's may not like the idea of a stranger snooping around outside their home. I've already located some marina's on the cape, and I guess I will pay them a visit next week.
Thank's again for your advice.
03-08-2017, 03:19
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Re: Greetings to all :) An honest request-
We were you are a lot of years ago - went to boat shows ect -- but seeing a boat in a yard was a bit of an issue
We were living in Ct at the time and one sunday we were driving around and stopped by a yard in West Brook Ct (brewers yard I think) where SoundYachts was. we got out and walked around and a guy by the name of Ted Novakowski came up and intro him to us and said what are you look for -- we told him we were just looking and he invited us to get on a 40' Bavaria (I think) and said what do you think -- in .25 of sec we showed our entire ignorance of looking at a boat - he then spent 3 hours helping us how to look at a sailboat and what makes a sailboat - what is the difference between a Catalina and Elan and Jeanneau and Bene --
we eventually bought a brand new Jeanneau from him
So Cape Cod to West Brook is not that far so take a day trip and see Ted - he sure did right by us
and that was 14 years ago and who knows how many thousands of miles ago -
if you are in FLA on the east coast we have a contact there -- and by the way both guys are excruisers who really know their stuff
just our thoughts and opinions
chuck and svsoulmates
Somewhere in the Eastern Caribbean
03-08-2017, 07:07
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