I can't tell you how many times I have come to this forum and read countless posts from this community. Today I decided to make register my own account and start participating! This wall of text is brought to you by general unrest and a desire for a fulfilling lifestyle.
In an attempt to obtain more information to help guide myself down a path to reach a goal/dream of mine, I am now a
member of your thriving online community. I have been sailing for about 15 years now and for the last seven years I have been
racing a j-24 as well as limited experience
racing other types of
boats. I have reached a proverbial fork in the road in my life and am in a position to make a decision on which path to take. I know there is a life to be lived that I am missing out on. That life is doing something I love while being able to survive. I have this dream of
living aboard my own
boat sailing where I please or where the
wind takes me. More realistically finding a career that involves something I love and am passionate about. A career/job on the
water sharing my enthusiasm of sailing and adventuring with others would be a big step.
There are many things about living/working aboard a
boat that I don’t know but am anxiously looking for ways to learn and apply this knowledge. I keep telling myself that getting involved in the field will open up many doors leading to fulfilling my dream. Finding a job that enables me to start
learning these skills such as repairing the
engine on board if something fails,
learning more about
electrical systems on board,
navigation, sail
repair and energy generation through
solar and
wind generators that would be applicable to onboard systems.
My idea at the moment is to find a venue that would enable me to learn more about these skills so that I may apply them to my own craft and others’
boats. I have the luxury of living debt free and have a burning desire to find a fulfilling lifestyle that I enjoy. This is an attempt to lay some ground
work towards planning my future on the
I am hoping to at the very least open up some dialogue about reaching this goal. I am in need of some direction, encouragement (here in Montana most of my peers think I am crazy, as I think they are for wanting a 9-5 routine), and possibly an opportunity to achieve a fulfilling lifestyle. I have excelled at anything I have put my heart/mind into. I am
service orientated and have been obscenely successful in customer service/relations as well as maintaining these professional relationships.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my ideas/thoughts.