I signed up here to lurk read and learn about cruising, I am selling a car that took me years to build to buy a boat and attempt a circumnavigation with a buddy before we get deployed for the peace core.
Sounds great Funky Glad to have you posting on the site. When do you plan on leaving for the circumnav? Greetings to Giles as well.
The plan is to purchase a vessel this summer when I am out of school and my buddy gets done trekking through India, then spend a month making it sea worthy and heading out from there.
Aloha and welcome aboard!
Its good to follow your dream. Even the basic of books in the public library can help with a few lessons if you are new to sailing. What exactly are you going to circumnavigate? Some folks take a few years to do it around the globe.
Check out the book recommendation and the websites after my signature.