Hi, I'm new to the forum... long time sailor (25 years) with a 2005 Jeanneau 43DS. I keep the boat at Brewer's Cowessett in Warwick, RI. I've done a lot of writing about boatelectrical systems, and am an electricalengineer, so I'm always available to answer questions about batteries, charging systems, etc.
Welcome, this fourm will keep you busy over the winter!
Tom and Marilyn www.Ashoreschool.com Free eLearning prep center for the new sailor. Plus links to over a half dozen FREE On-line Marine Magazines
Welcome to the forum...We are presently in Jacksonville, however, we are orginally from CT. We purchased our sailboat from Wharf Marine in Warwick. I believe you are right next door. We commuted back and forth for two years to Warwick getting her ready to sail. We miss the area and love the clam fritters there.
Aloha Tide,
Welcome aboard! If I had any electronics installed yet I might have some questions for you. I've learned two things. Don't buy used electronics and don't buy them before you're ready to use them.
I still have to do all my wiring for the electricals as well. I'll be asking lots of questions when the time is right.
Oh, and don't buy used laptops through eBay.