Hello all, thought I would take a moment to introduce myself- my name's Chris, & I'm an avid surfer & kayaker here in the Cape Fear region of
North Carolina, so I feel at home on the
water. I'd never seriously considered sailing, though (thought it was too difficult to learn, too expensive, and that I was too impatient to travel at sailboat speeds).
Then my best friend bought a sailboat (a Mac 25), and after just one day trip I was hooked, and began to look into a
boat of my own. After a couple of months I finally pulled the trigger on my first
boat, a Renken 18 day sailer with a
shoal keel. I've been having a blast & hope to continue to learn, with the long-term goal of eventually traveling to
parts unknown on a larger craft.
Anyhow, just wanted to introduce myself, and to thank all of you that have contributed to the numerous posts I've read here during my research! Fair winds and safe travels to you all.