Hello everyone,
First, I’d just like to say how grateful I am for this forum and all the insights I got to enjoy reading all these years.
I live in Ventura County, CA. I sailed/cruised when I was younger with my father in the
Mediterranean, experiences that shaped me greatly. After he died relatively early, sailing also disappeared out of my life, though I was able to get some
ASA certifications (101-104) sometime in my 20s.
Now that I’m a father, I wish to be able to give my daughter similar experiences that I got to enjoy when I was cruising with my father.
So all long-term, big-picture, dreamboat lists, and cruising plans aside for now, I’m interesting in linking up with experienced sailors looking for an extra hand and willing to share some of their wisdom and skills.
The next few years, I’m interesting gaining regional sailing experience and confidence esp. around the Channel Islands, to hopefully not too far in future owning my own
Grateful for any guidance along the way.