Originally Posted by Bill Burgette
Looks like plenty of room for sod and a 9 hole course on the deck. Add a couple of floating docks to tie up to and have a floating Marina. Go where the action is. Add a Harrier or two and escort cruisers and merchant ships through the pirate infested waters of the world. Should be plenty of area below in the hangar area for a lounge or two with a nice restaurant and hopefully even a cat house for the merchant marines on the big escorted ships.
I'm not saying how you should use your new boat but just a suggestion. Are you even allowed to have a brothel offshore? Who's to stop you.....besides the Admiral?
I like this... we should start a new fundraiser... "Get the Ark..."
All be 'members' of the latest anti pirate marina, golf course, casino resort.....
Hell, it could even hoist on board sailboats and carry them on the lakes on the golf course... while steaming away from the pirates....
I like it... I like it... are you on board? If this forum can
sponsor a Goat for a
round the world cruise... then this is a shoe in... no?