Thanks for sharing the photos.
That is an impressive yacht! WOW!
I have never cruised or crossed an ocean on a boat like that, but I sure would enjoy trying it.
There are several former SuperYacht and other bigger boat (Commercial Ships or freighters, seagoing tugs, OFS
Navy officers, etc.) sailors and captains here on CF as members. We are a mixed group on CF, from
dinghy sailors, perpetual crew, newbies, Old Salts, Circumnavigators, dreamers, and doers. I am sure your experience with your boat will be a good addition to our discussions. I hope you will share some of your POV when you can.
Something that big must keep you busy, and looks like a great responsibility too. Fun and challenges, I think.
TIP: Create a
photo album on your Profile Page on CF and add those same photos to it.