I am a former power boater who is just beginning to get interested in sailing. Sailed a Hoby Cat as a youngster in Va Beach (25 years ago), but no real sailing experience. Owned many powerboats, from 18'-38', but sold my last boat just before Hurricane Katrina.
I am a recently retired USAF officer with some new free time and sailing is sounding like a good wat to fill some of it.
If there is inybody in the local area that would be willing for me to tag along and deck for them while I learn it would be great. Lots of boating and on the water time, none sailing.
Greetings Guard Bum. Glad to see you crossed over from the dark side to the light side to go sailing. Just kidding, but you will love the sailing life. The adventure is getting there, not how you got there. Hope you find someone to crew for and learn how great sailing is.
Ahoy, from across the bridge in Ocean Springs! My family and I moved to OS last July for the warmer weather and better schools. We joined the Ocean Springs Yacht Club and will be taking lessons this summer. While I haven't met anyone with a big monohull, I'll probably be sailing as crew on some cats this summer. C'mon over to the friendliest, most laid back, and least expensive club on the coast! osyc.com
Aloha Guard,
Welcome aboard! I'll try not to hold your being a retired USAF Officer against you. Retired Navy enlisted here.
Good to have you here and posting and I hope you find the right sailing opportunities.
Kind regards,