Howdy everybody! I'm Nick from Montana.
Despite coming from a land locked state I have been around
boats my whole life. Although not very experienced at sailing I have decided towards the end of this summer I am going to buy and move on to a sailboat which I will be keeping in the
Seattle area.
Just found the forum here looking forward to making some friends as most of my friends right now are a bunch of land lubbers who think I am certifiably insane for doing this. And to them I say "Damn the torpedo's full speed ahead!"
I'm 34, right now working as a heavy haul trucker so I get out to the Seattle/Tacoma area quite a bit, more in the spring/summer as that is the busy season out there. I also used to be a welder and a ship fitter.
Eventually I am going to sell my trucks and go sailing full time and focus more on doing
Photography and Videography. Including doing a YouTube channel about my sailing adventures.
I think the hardest decision I have now is do I go east, or do I go west when I set off cruising. It's a hard decision.
Anyways looking forward to meeting you all!