hi all-
thought I would take the leap and actually join CF instead of reading and learning much over the last year. bought the prout cat in may and have been refitting since then and am ready for some offshore cruising! thanks much for all the great info on this forum- i'm a DIYer and have learned a lot!
Your avatar reminds me that the year we came across from Mexico to French Polynesia, almost all of us had pictures looking down on our mono's shapes. Thanks, it is a nice thought to begin the day with.
__________________ Who scorns the calm has forgotten the storm.
thanks for the welcome, gord may, would've felt disconnected without that traditional group hug!
ann- thanks for your kind words, hope to create some great memories of my own on this new adventure (sort of already have just sailing offshore from Annapolis to Miami in November). South America is the destination starting in march.
and grant- good suggestion...its a great deal at twice the price!