Thanks All for your answers:
My intention is to expent most of next
winter season sailing the
caribbean and, to do that, my plans at the present are like this:
1- Buy a really
cheap boat there... as there is no almost way to take it back to
Europe as
taxes, laws and
regulations makes it almost impossible (long time to do the paperwork, lots of
taxes -VAT+
Registration,etc..) in addition, at
Spain, getting a berth place is also impossible (most where I live ... waiting list of more than 5.000 people.. so berths can cost twice the
price of a
new boat... ). Therefore my intention as told is to buy something really
cheap to resell it afther the adventure is done. The only exception could be if I find a really bargain there.. worth enought to fight and sail it back to Europe.
2- Are the
boats listed on the usual websites the best deals you can find or under your experience you consider that better offers are found locally with brokers or in some other way ??
3- after boat is won !!Extended Cruising from
Panama to
Florida or
Florida to
Panama... donīt know yet.Wich one do you think it could be the most e interesting routing considering
BUYING and SELLING the boat. I mean.. If I buy at Panama, mostly Iīll have to sell at Florida and vice-versa.. so which option is the best (market,
mooring prices while selling, etc..). Considering the sailing conditions wich routing is the natural one (I mean.. North to south or South to North ??).. Is there any advantage getting from
Miami to Panama or is better the opposite.??
Plans as you can see are at a very early stage...!!

(by the way.. airfares is not a problem to me... as airline employee!)
Thanks all for your welcome !!