Originally Posted by fijicalling
Thanks Skipperpete. Ours isn't the center cockpit but some useful thoughts there. What made the new Yanmar engine difficult to fit? There seems to be plenty of room there. The generator has been removed which might be making it appear that way though.
Only the usual considerations, the Ford and Velvetdrive is a long package so one choice was between putting the new
engine way aft and using the existing shaft or mounting it at the front of the beds and extending the shaft. In the original, the Borg Warner was very inaccessible and fairly tight in the turn of the
bilge so,....... new shaft and a better
shaft seal. The
exhaust was 3” but the outlet on the new engine turbo.....90mm. Could’a been worse , the more powerful STE has 120 mm outlet
Initially thought I had a huge problem with the shaft angle and the down angle
gearbox on the
Yanmar but the 4 LHA engine is exempt from the Yanmar “0°down at the front “
rule , I missed that bit of info....but changed to a straight out
gear box and later found out Yanmar allow as much as 7° down at the front. Oh, the old
Lehman drove other stuff off the front pulley and the Yanmar was limited there too but the eutectic
refrigeration got replaced leaving a big frame
alternator and the
water maker pump ( with a plan to later fit an electrically driven pump).
As I said before, all the usual things that are measured and allowed for but make the job a whole lot longer and more expensive.
Captain Ron
boat looks like an easier engine extraction job!