Since the question was pretty general and non specific an answer that addresses your question necessarily will also be somewhat general and not specific.
In general south Florida is by far the most expensive part of the state. Marinas will usually run minimum $600-$800/month. North Florida if you look around you can cut that in half.
Maybe you can elaborate a little on exactly what it is you are seeking.
The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
Sometimes it's necessary to state the obvious for the benefit of the oblivious.
Rust is the poor man's Loctite.
That is very true. Basically, after thinking about it for a bit, Im looking for winter refuge from DFW. I workoffshore so the 28/28 scheudle applies. Not ruling out Padre's or Aransas Pass. Looking for a cheap marina with basic services. South florida is most attractive for the season.
Well, unless your definition of cheap differs from mine, you will not find cheap in south Florida, at least on the east coast. Pretty much once you get south of Jupiter you run out of cheap and right into expensive.
West side you will have a little better shot. Try Naples or the Ft Meyers area. To see a pretty comprehensive list of marinas go to activecaptain
The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
Sometimes it's necessary to state the obvious for the benefit of the oblivious.
Rust is the poor man's Loctite.