Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself. I've been dreaming about sailing for the past two years. I grew up next to the Tennessee River in north
Alabama. I spent a lot of time on the
water fishing and skiing, but never sailing. Having cruised The
Bahamas a few times, spent a lot of time at the beach, and seeing folks sailing on the river, I really feel like it's something I would enjoy.
One of my pals has a 25'
Hunter but I've only been out on it once, although I enjoyed it thoroughly. I'd like something similar to keep in a slip on the river...something that I could take down to the
Gulf of Mexico and do some coastal cruising, maybe even down to the keys or over to The
I noticed there is a "crew wanted" section of the
forums. I have no idea how common this is, but I'd appreciate the opportunity to crew a
boat for a couple weeks and provide labor in exchange for sailing knowledge and experience.
Anyway, I look forward to chatting it up with some of you and
learning anything you have to share. Thanks!