I always imagined that only a lifetime of servitude in the rat-race would provide for wandering the planet by sea!
Who knew that cruising the seas was actually an option for the young?!
$2,000 well spent gave me a glimpse into my future as I sailed for a week between the British Virgin Isles aboard a
Leopard 4200.
Now, the confines of my cell/cubicle only remind me of the size of my
cabin =)
Having acquired
ASA Certifications 101, 103, 104 & 114 and chartered more than a few monohulls out of Santa Barbara, my thirst for adventure and my drive to capture the setting sun has become my new hope to survive my existence in this cage (the aforementioned cubicle!)
My envy to all you who have escaped the shackles of area codes and addresses, wristwatches and schedules, deadlines and meetings!
Fairwinds and cheers to all you cruisers and circumnavigators! May fate and kind breezes cause our paths to cross that I may someday drift by and share with you what can't be found in a cubicle or library! Until then...
Yours Truly,
The Lone Wolf who hunts the setting sun by the Sea
